Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Power of Government

Throughout history the power of government plays a leading role in the turning points of how the government should expand its branches and support its country. In the events of the Nullification Crisis and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, both opposed how the government grew its power. Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. As the government throughout the years increase its power, states government can't help but fight for their rights. States began opposing the national government's decisions as their decisions questioned civil liberties. In order to strongly support their cause, state governments began to declare federal laws null and void. In the events of the Nullification Crisis and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, these events help embody the clear differences between two opposing principals of government power- states' rights and federalism. The Nullification Crisis arose during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson, as the people of the South strongly agreed to nullify, avoid and ignore federal law, they disagreed with Congress rulings. As the new president, Jackson did not properly prepare to handle his presidency, he did not properly handle the protests against the Tariff of 1828. Members of the South felt that the tariff affected the south more than the north. As the federal government began to increase its power, the fear of a corrupt government and power hungry officials, with accordance with John. C. Calhoun beliefs, the south began to nullify and ignore national law. These attempts challenged the federal government and caused disputes between states and federal law. However, as states eagerly began to protest against tariffs and rulings the Federal government did not allow southern states to nullify their tariff. This shows how strong their power is and how they clearly display that their rulings are important. The motives of the southern states protesting against federal law is due to unfair attention between the southern and northern states. The Nullification Crisis of 1832 expressed the idea that states representing the people have the right to judge the constitutionality of federal decisions. Before the Nullification Crisis, the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions began doubting federal actions as well. The resolutions were passed in opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts which were ruled by federal law. As the Jeffersonian Republicans first enacted the Kentucky resolutions, it was an attack to the Federalist interpretation of the constitution. Also, the resolutions protest against limitations on civil liberties. They interpreted that the national government would extend its powers over the states. The resolutions expressed that the constitution established an agreement between states and the federal government. In which the federal government has no right to expand its powers under the terms of the agreement. But just like the nullification crisis, other states disagreed and ignored their statements. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions declared that states have the right to decide on the constitutionality of federal rulings. Throughout history the rise of federal power has states disagreeing with their decisions. Although neither the south states or the federal government won the conflict of the Nullification Crisis, it resulted great tension between the two groups. Citizens realized that President Jackson became untrustworthy to their motives of refusing federal law. The crisis defined that the powers of both the federal government and the state government. As both events lead up to the Civil War, these events marked that the voice of the states should be heard. Although the resolutions did not meet their goal, it revealed that the clash between states and federal government embodied principal roles of government.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case About Anthony Tan

Concise Summary of Case – Anthony Tan was one of the most wanted men as he was allegedly charged for murder of Bosnian refugee and Rebels bikie, Edin â€Å"Boz† Smajovic. After 2 years building an export business in Vietnam, he read a media report from NSW, describing him as one of the state’s most wanted men. He was unaware for 2 years of the police hunt for him. He immediately got on the phone, first his lawyer, then to an airline. He was more than willing to return to Australia to fight his allegations.In the end he was arrested and charged for the murder and held on remand in prison for over a year. When he granted bail in August, his trial was to start that same week. Both Anthony Tan and co-accused Nathan Keith Reddy and taken to court. Once the case reached the Supreme Court, the case was dismissed even before the trial had started. This was because, it was understood that the case failed partly due to an alleged confession from a prosecution witness. Juri sdictions of all courts involved –The two courts involved in this case were the Central Local Court and the Supreme Court. The jurisdictions for the local court include the majority of criminal, summary prosecutions in NSW and with civil matters up to $100,000. It also conducts committal proceedings to determine whether or not indictable offences are to be committed to the District and Supreme Court. Meanwhile the jurisdictions for the Supreme Court has unlimited civil jurisdictions and handles claims of more than $750,000. It also deals with the most serious criminal matters, including murder and treason.The initial court for this case (Central Local Court) had refused bail, but when it reached the Supreme Court, the case was dismissed even before the trail had even started. Area of law – The Anthony Tan case was a public, criminal case, as Anthony allegedly broke the criminal law, which is part of the public law (also known as the Common law). The standard of proof i s the amount of evidence which a plaintiff or prosecuting attorney, in a criminal case, must be presented in a trial in order to win.As for a civil case the standard of proof is generally that the plaintiff must prove this case by majority (51%) of the evidence. The standard of proof for this case was it was beyond reasonable doubt. The standard of proof needed for a criminal case is that there must be no reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime in order to convict the defendant. The standard of proof in this criminal case, which resulted in the freedom of Mr. Tan, was an alleged confession from a prosecution witness, which led to the case to fail.Was a jury used? Why or why not? – A jury is usually used in the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court judge had dismissed the case on technical terms, therefore a jury was not needed. It was an interesting case due to the fact that Tan was innocent yet held in jail for more than 1 year. This had a major impact on Anth ony Tan’s life, reputation and his future. For a case that would of continued in the Supreme Court, a jury would have been selected, but due to the fact that the case was dismissed, a jury was not needed.Is a jury effective? – A jury is a group of citizens (usually of 12) who hears the testimony in legal disputes and determines what they believe is the truth. The word jury is derived from the French word jurer, which means, â€Å"to swear an oath. † The jury has generally been successful because their peers judge the accused and the public plays a role in the criminal justice system, as they make the community feel as though they have a voice in situations that concern society at large.The jury is there to represent a cross-section of society and they provide a range of perceptions. Also the responsibility for the verdict is spread across 12 jurors and the system acts as a safety net against corrupt and oppressive conduct by state and/or police force. The jury i s also carefully selected to avoid bias, prejudice, racist, sexist or any other form of discrimination, which can influence the verdict. Also the defense council can remove a juror, if they feel uncomfortable with them being in the jury.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy Paper Research

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy - Research Paper Example IPO. An initial public offering provides an opportunity for organizations to raise more capital which can be used to accomplish a myriad of business related activities such as doing market research and development, acquisitions, expansions, marketing or use it as working capital. In addition, organizations are able to gain access to a larger pool of customers and market. As a result, the public trading of the organizational shares automatically sets the value for the company’s share through the stock market (Bragg, 2009). This is advantageous to organizations as they can easily form mergers and acquisitions than when they are privately owned. Through an IPO organizations are able to attract talented, competent and dedicated employees by offering them stock incentive packages. Conversely, the IPO enables organizations to gunner investors’ confidence thereby their shares can readily trade in the stock market (Bragg, 2009). Therefore, a private company will manage to incre ase its wealth, scope of customers and investors by going public through an IPO. However, the process of offering an IPO is time consuming and quite expensive.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Organizational Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Structure - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses Position Analysis and Questionnaire (PAQ) is considered to be a sophisticated and straightforwardly applied technique in the process of job analysis. It entails a standard form, which requires approximately two hours to be filled; in fact, it is easily scored due to its applicability to a broad variety of jobs. One of the PAQ’s significance involves its contribution to job analysis process, whereby it enables analysis based on 187 job elements. In this case, these elements involve worker-oriented nature, whereby they are characterized to imply human behaviors, which are involved in various jobs.         Ã‚  From this essay it is clear that  Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is designed in a way that gathers detailed information regarding duties and responsibilities of the position that exists in the organization; this aspect can be utilized for redesigning customer service job to increase efficiency and improve quality, since HRM have can set standards for desired capacity of applicants based on information gathered through PAQ. On the other hand, this information facilitates establishment or revising of position description in order to facilitate redesigning process of customer service job. In addition, information gathered through PAQ facilitates evaluation of position for relevant classification to ensure that human resource managers have a consistent approach in the redesigning process.  ... Therefore, elements of job analysis facilitate setting of foundation for training needs and the process of learning (Heron, 2005). 2. Importance of Position Analysis and Questionnaire (PAQ) and two ways it can be used for redesign customer service job to increase efficiency and improve quality. Position Analysis and Questionnaire (PAQ) is considered to be a sophisticated and straightforwardly applied technique in the process of job analysis. It entails a standard form, which requires approximately two hours to be filled; in fact, it is easily scored due to its applicability to a broad variety of jobs. One of the PAQ’s significance involves its contribution to job analysis process, whereby it enables analysis based on 187 job elements (Brannick & Levine, 2002). In this case, these elements involve worker-oriented nature, whereby they are characterized to imply human behaviors, which are involved in various jobs. Firstly, Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is designed in a wa y that gathers detailed information regarding duties and responsibilities of the position that exists in the organization; this aspect can be utilized for redesigning customer service job to increase efficiency and improve quality, since HRM have can set standards for desired capacity of applicants based on information gathered through PAQ. On the other hand, this information facilitates establishment or revising of position description in order to facilitate redesigning process of customer service job. In addition, information gathered through PAQ facilitates evaluation of position for relevant classification to ensure that human resource managers have a consistent approach in the redesigning process.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hamilton summary Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hamilton summary - Term Paper Example The country has not been able to maintain commerce or command respect from other countries, which would be a major step towards safeguarding the country against encroachments (Hamilton, 298). Most significant is the poverty and disorder that threatens to tear the country apart, while it is endowed with great natural advantages. Therefore, the councils and maxims that hinder the adoption of the proposed constitution are the main obstacles towards the achievement of American union (Hamilton, 299). The maxims work towards denying US government the energy it requires, by advocating for the sovereignty of the member states. This is dangerous since it would create a situation of state alliances and rivalry against one another, demolishing the unity of the people and jeopardizing the achievements of togetherness (Hamilton, 296). There are many challenges associated with a federalist government. However, the only solution towards avoiding the creation of a League of Nations, and instead pres erve the union, is to adopt a government, which has the overall authority over the states (Hamilton,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Queer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Queer - Essay Example The most common being those of homophobia because the word queer means deviant sexual practices that are frowned upon by the society. It can also mean strange sexual characteristics ranging from being a hamerphrodite to having abnormal genitalia. When an individual is not a heterosexual as the society dictates, then that person is referred to as a queer for being a lesbian or gay. Those people who have changed from being female to being males or vice versa are also regarded as queers by the society. The society we live in chooses to assign the word queer to this group of persons because they do not conform to the accepted gender roles assigned to them by the community. Gender has been divided since time in memorial into two groups. According to Bornstein, â€Å"choice between two of something is not a choice, but rather the opportunity to subscribe to the value system which holds the two presented choices as mutually exclusive alternatives and our choice puts us into the system that perpetuates the binary† (Bornstein 101). Different cultures assert that we belong to either one of the two chosen genders without question. If a person chooses not to belong to any of the two, then they are branded as outcasts. Bornstein wonders if the bi-polar gender system were a group and if its members were following rules that they can neither question nor be capable of challenging making group become more like a cult (Bornstein 103). In this context, gender is made up to look like a club for the privileged where the members, exhibit patterns both structural and behavioral that are common to cults (Bornstein 103). In his book â€Å"The Trouble with the Normal†, Warner says â€Å"even after fifty years of resistance, loathing for queer sex, like loathing for gender non conformity remains powerful†(Warner 48). This illustrates the society’s unwillingness to accept those who do not practice what their culture dictates as normal, especially if they are t o be accepted under consideration of sex only. The lesbian and gay movement in America was expected to shed more light on sexuality, but it did not because according to Warner in his book it shows that even after these â€Å"queer† people declared their sexual orientation to the public, they did not get the reaction they expected from â€Å"straight† people as envisioned. The end to stigmatization that they were used to did not end, but it, in fact, escalated because the abuses and threats now had a defined target (Warner 50). In his book, Warner uses the term queer to stand for the sexual acts that gays and lesbians engage in, it is also used to represent those who are sexually oriented towards homosexuality. Queers are understood to be separate from the other part of the population, and their political rights activist movements advocate that they be considered under the minority or special group category. The society we live in makes it hard for these people to be as similated into the community and be perceived as normal because it needs a group to dominate, have power over and control. Even if, the gays and lesbian movements did not arise, the culture we practice has always had a way of isolating an element in a society that is portrayed as queer so that there can be something for the society to frown upon and discriminate. The culture we live in, designed gender in such a way that it would

Health promotion pressure sores among elderly clients in a nursing Essay

Health promotion pressure sores among elderly clients in a nursing homes - Essay Example It also focuses on the causes or the determinants of health that ensure that the total environment is beyond the control of individuals and is appropriate for their health. The other principles of health promotion are communication, education, legislation, fiscal measures organizational change, community development as well as the local activities that are aimed at avoiding hazard from occurring within an organization (Naidoo, and Wills, 2000:91). The elderly persons are considered to be persons that do not fully participate in the growth and development of a country. They use up the resources and perform no useful function within their organizations. However, the elderly persons are not always in the homogeneous group in the society. These people can be assisted by nurses to accept their situation and also maintain their dignity and independence as they live in the community. ... As people age, their body parts tend to deteriorate due to factors such as pathological status that exist within the body and the lack of use of particular systems within the body. The rate of deterioration of the body organs can be reduced by doing regular exercises and changing eating habits such as avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol (Squire, 2002:75). Pressure sores are some of the medical problems that affect the elderly persons. These people develop sores that are very painful that result from prolonged pressure on an area on the body that have got bony prominence and thin convening of the flesh. The pressure sores results from the breakdown of the skin that results from the exposure of toxic physical forces such as pressure and shear. This problem is described to be one that is associated with the persons that have complicated body parts that are frail and immobile. The major pressure sores are the tailbone, heels elbows and the shoulder bones sores. The factors that lead to the development of the sores include the presence of moisture that results from unchanged adult diapers, wet sheets, malnutrition and dehydration. Other factors include being immobile, and the failure of giving the patients proper nursing care to provide proper reposition of the bedridden patients regularly. The persons that are likely to suffer from this medical problem are the residents who are over the age of 75 years and above, persons needing help while feeding and those who are completely unable to feed themselves. It also affects people who are underweight, those that suffer from decreased mental status, have dry skin and those who suffer from special medical

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Like alcohol and tobacco drugs should be legalized in america Essay

Like alcohol and tobacco drugs should be legalized in america - Essay Example Drugs should be legalized and this is why. Legalizing drugs would first of all help save many lives. Sometime back alcohol was abhorred in the US to the extent of being banned. The reason given then was that it would be a source of nuisance to society. This did not last long and alcohol was re-legalized. It is worth noting that more good than harm has come from re-legalization of alcohol (Wesley, â€Å"Drug use should be legal in America†). This is because when the drugs are legal, the government will be able to establish regulatory measures as is the case with cigarettes and alcohol. The quantity produced and the selling price can be regulated like they do with alcohol. Drugs would be made following set standards hence manufacturers who make low quality and highly toxic drugs will be driven out of business. The revenue collected in form of taxes from the sale of drugs can be used to provide health services such as rehabilitation of drug addicts. The government will also be able to warn people of harm caused by drugs as it does with alcohol and cigarettes. Anti drug use campaigns can also be funded using the revenues collected. Laws against drug use are the cause of the increasing cases of drug related crimes. Many cities have sections known to be notorious for drug related violence and wars. Rival gangs are known to go to â€Å"war† over drug territories. Persons who also go out to seek drugs are prone to harm. Case in point is some young men who went to buy marijuana from a street gang. In the process of trying to gain the trust of the gang they mistakenly claimed to come from a rival gang. They were immediately stabbed to death as the gang â€Å"protected their territory† (Barnett & Palmer â€Å"Should drug use be legalized?†). If drugs were legal, the youth would have gone to a known legal dealer and bought what they needed. This would have saved their lives. It is the illegality of the drug that encourages the formation of such

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession Essay

Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession - Essay Example Therefore, at the subconscious level of mind, the person learns through confession to acknowledge the social institutions (that boost up one another and that are interrelated with each other), in other words, the society as the power over his or her life, while learning to view body as an object that needs to be reigned carefully and to remain in continual vigilance. (Reich, 1966: 35-37) According to Foucault, how confession is related to sexuality essentially involves learning about the truth of human body or what Foucault calls the science of sexuality (‘scientia sexualis’). Indeed Foucault’s concepts of ‘confession and sexuality’ are indispensably interwoven with his â€Å"theory of social discipline† in the sense that his theory considers the physicality or the organic existence of body –a seat of needs and appetite- as a subject of politics and power. Foucault assumes that confession comprises â€Å"all those procedures by which th e subject is incited to produce a discourse of truth about his sexuality which is capable of having effects on the subject himself† (Foucault, 1980: 110). Confession produces subjectivity through the authority of speech about sex. Indeed confession and sexuality are related with each other through a power-subject relationship. (Tambling, 1990: 49) When sexuality represents body as a subject to power, confession plays a dual role in power mechanism. Not only has it provided power with the scope to exercise control over the body by informing power of the self-willed, honest and spontaneous truth about human body, but also it assists the confessor over the subject of confession, sex, by distancing it as an object to be discussed. Foucault believes that confession plays â€Å"a central role in the order of civil and religious powers†¦The truthful confession was inscribed at the heart of the procedures of individualization by power [and has become] one of the West’s mo st highly valued techniques for producing truth† (Foucault, 1990: 58). In the very first place, the obligation to confess itself is the sign of power’s influence on the individual, as Foucault writes about it: â€Å"the obligation to confess†¦is so deeply ingrained in us, that we no longer perceive it as the effect of a power that constrains us; on the contrary, it seems to use that truth, lodged in our most secret nature, ‘demands’ only to surface† (Foucault, 1990: 60). This urge of an individual to confess evolves his or her discomfort under the panoptic gaze of power. Smart (1995: 88) explains Foucault’s concept of panoptic as following: The Panopticon was to function as an apparatus of power by virtue of the field of visibility in which individuals were to be located, each in their respective places ... for a centralized and unseen observer. In this schema subjects were to be individualized in their own space, to be visible, and to be conscious of their potentiality constant and continuous visibility. (Foucault, 1975: 88) By confessing the confessor becomes affected in two ways: first, he or she becomes a part of power’s panoptic gaze, which imposes constant surveillance on sex, by internalizing it more; second, the confessor reaffirms his or her identity in term of power relations, since sex holds the truth of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

War On Terror by Kenneth Waltz Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War On Terror by Kenneth Waltz - Research Paper Example The first image proposes the individual nature of man as the primary cause of wars which is why it can to be known as ‘individual level of analysis’. As Waltz say in his book Man the State and War â€Å"the locus of the important causes of war is found in the nature and behavior of man†. This analysis coincides with the point of view of numerous philosophers such as Spinoza, Rousseau and Niebuhr who believed that war was the direct result of human aggressiveness self-interest, misdirected and stupidity to achieve a peace in a self intellectual level. Hence according to this level man must change his psyche, however this theory cannot be declared entirely true as Waltz himself later argued that the importance of human nature as an individual cause of wars is reduced by the fact that the very same nature explains a variety of events. Waltz then analyses another reason for war, that is the second image. He proposes that war is a product of internal structure and domestic strife within countries. ‘With many sovereign states, with no system of law enforceable among them, with each state judging its grievances and ambitions according to the dictates of its own reason or desire - conflict, sometimes leading to war, is bound to occur.’ He assumes that the nature of a states political institutions and how it is governed will determine whether the state will be at war or peaceful however the most logical counter argument to this analysis is that it assumes that â€Å"bad states lead to war†¦that good states mean peace in the world,†.... He assumes that the nature of a states political institutions and how it is governed will determine whether the state will be at war or peaceful however the most logical counter argument to this analysis is that it assumes that â€Å"bad states lead to war†¦that good states mean peace in the world,† ( Waltz 159) which in itself is a highly doubtful proposition. His third level of analysis emphasizes the anarchical international system composed of states and the interdependence of the policies of all states, namely the structure of the international system is the root cause of war. Analyzing political issues from the third image means relying on the international organizations, forums, and treaties that nations abide by. Major governmental and non governmental organizations are analyzed when seeking the causes of war and conflict according to third level of analysis. Waltz draws heavily upon the work of Rousseau and states that just as individuals act upon their immediate interests to the detriment of the general group interests, states should follow a rational course of action. Harmony in anarchy exists when not only is every state rational but every state assumes that every other state is rational too. Moreover, â€Å"To allow...for the irrational acts of others can lead to no determinate solution but to attempt to act on a rational calculation without making such an allowance can lead to (my own) undoing†(Waltz 169) I believe the most important cause lies in the third image i.e., the imperative influence of anarchy is the ‘underlying’ or ‘permissive’ cause of war. Many of the causes of war can be explained by the pressures exerted on states by the anarchic

Monday, July 22, 2019

Airborne Express case study Essay Example for Free

Airborne Express case study Essay Airborne Express, an air express transportation company has succeeded to compete with a few big competitors such as Federal Express and United Parcel Service (UPS) even it does not have funding as much as its competitors. In 1996, it held third position in the industry with 9 percent of the market. Even Airborne is smaller size company compared to its main competitors, it still can survive with the competitive advantage through its resources and capabilities. With some unique resources and core competences, a company may have competitive advantage over its competitors, and this is the way small capital company able to compete with its competitors. Airborne Express is the first and only air express transportation company that owns an airport. Because of the limited control, Airborne has purchased an airline at Wilmington in 1980. Since then, the airport became the hub of the company, and all the operations of the company were conducted here. It is also the biggest privately owned airport in United States. With the ownership of the airport, Airborne is able to control the operations more easily. Besides that, Airborne does not need to pay for any landing or service fees to the airlines company like its competitors. Comparably, Federal Express and UPS own the planes but still need to lease the airport from other party. It helps Airborne to save a lot of costs. Apart from that, Wilmington airport is one of the strategic airports in United States. It means that the place is having a well weather record. For express air transportation industry, weather is a big factor that can affect the daily business operation. If the weather is bad, the shipments will not be sent to the final destination at the promised time. Time is the promise to the customers and it does affect the confidence of a companys customers. Besides airlines, Airborne also has a complete system of ground transportation. With the establishment of trucking hubs in some places, Airborne able to deliver the shipment that near to the hub using the ground transport. Almost 25 percent of the companys domestic volume is dealt with ground transport. However, the cost of service by ground transport is not transparent to the customers who assume that the packages are flown. Thus, the charge is same with the air-transported goods. Compare to air transport, ground transportation costs five times lower. From here, the profit margin  has been increased. In the other way, the company also can offer lower price for ground transportation packages. Instead of making more profit, the company can utilize the low cost benefit to compete with its competitors. In 1996, Airborne Express owned a fleet of 105 aircraft. To keep the capital expenditure down, Airborne has purchased only used planes. The planes will be modified to suit its specification for air express transportation. The cost of purchase and modification is $30million lower than purchasing a new plane. Compare to other companies, a big amount of money is being saved by Airborne. Further more, Airbornes DC-9 and YS-11 aircraft require only two person cockpit crew compared to normal three person crews required in Federal Express and UPS. Labour cost has been saved again. Airborne also have its own maintenance facility in Wilmington. It is the only all-cargo carrier to do so. It can handle most if the maintenance works except major engine repairs. It was estimate that the labour costs of $16 per hour is $49 lesser than the subcontracted labour cost. It was a major source of annual cost savings. Instead of serving all kinds of customers, Airborne decided to focus on serving the needs of high volume corporate accounts. It is because the severe competition and the cost of serving small customers. The company is able to establish scheduled pickup routes and use it as ground capacity more efficiently. Due to this factor, the unit cost structure has been reduced. According to the Airborne executives, their unit cost is $3 lower than its main competitor, Federal Express. Besides that, because of the different consumer behaviors between different groups, the focusing of the service is one of the ways to win a part of market in severe competition. By matching the needs of the groups, the company will have a better chance to win the customers than its competitors. Another aspects that Airborne get competitive advantage is the creation of the only privately certified Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) in United States at its Wilmington hub. In a FTZ, merchandise is tax-free and no customs duty is paid until it leaves. It is a big attraction to the foreign companies. The companies can keep their inventories in Wilmington hub, and the inventories  will be delivered to the destination by Airborne when needed. The local companies that implement Just-In-Time policy will prefer the service very much. It is because the inventories cost will bear by the suppliers that keep inventories in Airborne hub. For foreign companies, not only can satisfy the needs of local customers, but also can save the cost of tax and duty paid. The FTZ is a good factor that will help Airborne to set foot into the international market. However, because of the capital constraint, Airborne still unable to compete with Federal Express and UPS in the international market. Normally, large sizes A-containers are used in the air cargo business. Around $1million per plane is required to install cargo doors to take A-containers. To solve the problem, Airborne has developed C-containers that are six times smaller, and can fit through the passenger doors of the aircraft. The equipment to load the C-containers also about 80 percent less expensive than the equipment needed for A-containers. The shape of C-containers also designed to allow maximum utilisation of the plane space. To prevent other competitors copy the design, Airborne has taken out the patent on the C-containers. Therefore, C-containers seem to be the speciality of Airborne Express. It helps the company to save a lot of costs. It is a long term cost savings because it involves in daily operation. Therefore, it also a long term competitive advantage over the other competitors. Apart from that, through its subsidiary company, Advanced Logistics Services Corp., Airborne is promoting a range of third-party logistics service. It provides customers with the ability to maintain inventories in a 1 million square foot stock exchange facility located in Wilmington hub. The customers can choose to manage the inventories themselves or subcontract to Airborne. In stock exchange service, third party will involve in the instruction for movement of the inventories. It easier the process of the movement of inventories, and also help the customers to minimise inventory holding costs. Airborne is the first and only air express transportation company that provide this unique service. It actually involves a complex system. Therefore, knowledge or human resource is very important in order to develop the system. Since it is the only company, customers who interested  with the stock exchange service will come to Airborne. The unique competence gives Airborne a competitive advantage. Science and technology is developing rapidly in the world. Information system becomes more and more important in the business world. The more developed system a company has, the more competitive advantage it gets. Airborne uses three information systems to help in its daily operation. LIBRA II system is a metering device and computer software that easier the transaction between Airborne and customers. It also lowers Airbornes operating costs. FOCUS is the main system provided by Airborne and it benefits customers the most. It is a worldwide tracking system that help the customers to track the location their package through Internet link. It increases the companys reliability and service quality. With the trust on the company, customers will be more confident to give the job. The third system is the Customer Linkage electronic data interchange program. It eliminates repetitive data entry and paperwork by the customers. It also a system that created purposely to benefit its customers. The company also benefits from lowering the costs by eliminating manual data entry. From all the resources and capabilities mentioned above, we could realise that most of the competitive advantages Airborne has over its competitors is through costs reduction. According to Porters Generic Strategies Model, Airborne is actually implemented a cost-focus strategy to get the competitive advantage. Because of the lesser capital, Airborne is unable to compete with the giant of the industry, such as Federal Express and UPS. If Airborne can be the cost leader in the industry, it can give a severe competition to the competitors. Besides that, the unique resources such as C-containers and Foreign Trade Zone are also giving core competences to the company. In conclusion, facing the competition from competitors that have powerful funding, Airborne not only can survive, but also get a strong position in the air express transportation industry. A correct and suitable strategy adopted by a company can change the company position. A company, which can fully and smartly utilise its resources and capabilities, it can have  competitive advantage over the other competitors and it really benefits the company a lot.

Cloudstreet Essay Example for Free

Cloudstreet Essay How is your personal interpretation of Cloudstreet governed by its treatment of enduring values? Cloudstreet, a sprawling saga composed by Tim Winton, explores the enduring values of reconciliation, hope and the inevitable unity of family that forms the basis for our existence. Through the overarching techniques of context and the use of the Australian vernacular, Winton presents his nostalgia for the traditional Australian life, as well as encouraging the responder to consider universal issues which lie at the core of human experience, such as the need to treat others equally. By passing the Pickles and the Lambs through a series of trials and tribulations, in accordance with the strength of sagaic novels, Winton examines important ideas and philosophies about humankind. Through the examination of pivotal moments within the text, such as Fish’s near drowning in the river, the responder is able to gain their interpretation of the book and its treatment of the universal values of reconciliation, hope and family unity. Cloudstreet’s treatment of the theme of reconciliation highlights the need for people to find reconciliation within their existences, hence showing individual reconciliation with the forces of existence to be a central thematic concern. In Cloudstreet, this idea is expressed through Sam’s meeting with the blackfella after he returns from voting. While Sam implements classic Australian colloquialisms in his complaints about â€Å"some rich bastard†, he simultaneously plots to â€Å"sell the house for some real money†. This use of irony highlights Sam’s (symbolising the typical white man) ignorance of the fortune which he holds and which he considers to be mainstream. As a result, Sam is portrayed as a representative of white ignorance, and while he seems to be an average Australian, Winton portrays him to be a symptom of what is wrong with Australia as, while Sam is able to sense the â€Å"otherworldliness† of the blackfella, he perseveres with his callous plans to exploit home and to be disconnected from his spiritual existence. This idea is further exemplified through Sam’s gesture of offering a cigarette to the blackfella. The symbolism in this image presents Sam as the epitome of all that the class that he represents is able to provide. Reconciliation provides the basis for the emergent and disturbing spirituality of the house. The origins of the horror and ominous spirituality that exudes from the house lies in the misguided and ignorant need to socialise Aboriginals, evidenced in the horrendous treatment of the Aboriginal girls in the house that emerges from this ignorant misunderstanding. Hence, through the metaphor of Sam, Winton comments upon contemporary social and political problems and particularly the culture of denial within Australian culture at the time. This idea of the need for reconciliation is also expressed through the idea of family. The importance of family is another consistent theme throughout the novel. In Debts, Winton explores the instinctive force that drives members of a family to protect one another, despite all previous conflict. This is evidenced through Lester and Quick’s feelings of responsibility for Fish, which, particularly in the case of Quick, is driven by the guilt of Fish’s near drowning. As Lester says, â€Å" We owe him things†¦don’t forget Fish†¦don’t pretend to Fish. † The desperate, beseeching tone represents his instinctive desire to help Fish, in order to find reconciliation within himself. This idea is further expressed in â€Å"Ghostly sensations†, where Rose supports Sam during his desperate attempt at suicide. Despite Rose’s feelings towards her father’s burden on the family, which Sam himself recongises, â€Å"I’m a weak stupid bastard. † Rose assumes responsibility and protects her father. This is expressed through the motherly image of â€Å"She grabbed his head and pulled it to her breast. † The characters demonstrate the almost primeval urge that drives family members to protect one another, effectively communicated through Winton’s use of language. Thus, Winton shows his nostalgia for earlier times, when these values were at the core of Australian society. The theme of hope in Cloudstreet is expressed primarily through the Pickles’ stringent belief in the presence of the â€Å"shifty shadow†. The motif of the shifty shadow runs throughout the novel, presenting itself as a satirisation of the ideas of conventional religion and its affiliated dogma, and establishes a means by which characters such as Sam and Rose justify the unfathomable forces which govern their lives. The imagery of the â€Å"spinning knife†, which is used to decide whether the Lambs will start a shop or who is washing up, presents the idea that, for these characters, religion is more significant as a social context than as any element of a resolution of faith. The dislocation that the Pickles and the Lambs feel from the idea of God echoes Winton’s view that the contemporary working class could not relate to Christian ideals because of their own lack of fortune. Sam’s own nterpretation of the shifty shadow reflects pagan views of the world, in that he maintains a respect for rituals that is fundamental to all societies. â€Å"You stay right there till the shadow’s fallen across whoever’s lucky or unlucky enough, and then when it’s all over, you go out and get on with your business. † The colloquial tone of this sentence emphasises to the responder that, despite his working class background, there are ritualistic ideas bred into him and which he will not contravene. As such, Cloudstreet’s treatment of the theme of the shifty shadow examines spirituality as well as the unknowable. Cloudstreet’s treatment of the values of individual reconciliation, the importance of family and hope reflects its contextual situation, that of late 20th century Australia. Moreover, it reflects Winton’s desperate longing for an era of post war Australia. Through a close examination of the text, the responder gains insight into the central and enduring values of Winton’s society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Competition in Indias Textile Industry

Competition in Indias Textile Industry Factors behind increasing competition in Indian textile industry and strategically approach to gain competitive advantage globally. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The textile industry plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. The country has produced legends such as Dhaka muslin, which was woven so fine and light that it could pass through a finger ring. But what is significant today is that this sector contributes substantially in providing employment and earning foreign exchange. The country is rich in natural resources such as cotton, jute and silk. The textile industry is the second largest employer, after agriculture, with a total workforce of around 35 million. India is next only to China among the worlds largest producers of textiles and garments. The industry is the largest foreign exchange earner, as the import content is insignificant compared with those of other major export products. Its contribution in exports is nearly 20 per cent. How many of us know that 85 per cent of the handlooms in the world are produced in India? The number of handlooms in the country is four million. The activities in textiles range from the production of natural raw materials such as cotton, jute, silk and wool to the manufacture of quality products such as cellulose fibre, synthetic filament and spun yarn. This is, perhaps, the only industry that is self-reliant and complete in value addition — from raw materials to the highest value-added products (Warrier, 2007). The textile industry occupies a unique place in our country. One of the earliest to come into existence in India, it accounts for 14% of the total Industrial production, contributes to nearly 30% of the total exports and is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. Textile Industry is providing one of the most basic needs of people and the holds importance; maintaining sustained growth for improving quality of life. It has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, with substantial value-addition at each stage of processing; it is a major contribution to the countrys economy. Its vast potential for creation of employment opportunities in the agricultural, industrial, organised and decentralised sectors rural and urban areas, particularly for women and the disadvantaged is noteworthy ( Against all these merits, an expert’s lament goes: It is difficult to find such a large-scale industry in the country that is so disorganised as the Indian textile industry. The industry is often plagued by obsolescence, unhealthy regulations and problems of labour. This emphasises the need for strengthening the management mechanism in the industry, to face the emerging international challenges. Common sense administration has its in-built constraints in a world where scientific management decides the destiny of industries in the modern global scenario (Warrier, 2007). The textile industry in India will face intensified competition in both their export and domestic markets. However, the migration of textile capacity will be influenced by objective competitive factors and will be hampered by the presence of distorting domestic measures and weak domestic infrastructure in several developing and least developed countries ( The challenges from global competition demand a scientific approach from properly trained management professionals who have specialised in this sector. Sickness and inter-sector contradictions that are a bane of the industry have to be solved through a wise approach and well-calibrated steps, to ensure healthy growth. Managers who are trained in traditional management disciplines will take a long time to get themselves familiarised with the special problems of the textile scene. A strong and competent cadre of trained mangers will help the continuous upgrading of knowledge and skills, fulfilling the need for maintaining a cutting edge in the world of intense competition (Warrier, 2007). AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The proposed research intends to examine the increasing competition in Indian textile industry by focusing on the factors that have led to intense competition in the industry and formulate strategies that would help firms in the industry to gain competitive advantage at the global level. The key objectives of the research are identified as following: to identify the factors that have increased competition in Indian textile industry; to examine the nature of competition in Indian textile industry; to develop competitive strategy and provide recommendations to firms in Indian textile industry, so as to sustain the competitive edge in the global market. LITERATURE REVIEW Competitiveness: Definition Competitiveness is a widely used term and there are many definitions of it. The approach taken to competitiveness in this report is a pragmatic one, with the general idea that competitiveness means success in markets that translates into general increases in welfare(National Competitiveness Council Secretariat, 2006, p.1). The main concerns with respect to competitiveness arise from the developments of world markets. The main tendencies in international trade include rapid growth, globalisation, the growth of regional blocks, and the growth of foreign direct investment (National Competitiveness Council Secretariat, 2006). For the company, competitiveness is the ability to provide products and services as or more effectively and efficiently than the relevant competitors. In the traded sector, this means sustained success in international markets without protection or subsidies (Porter, 1990). Indias competitiveness Over a decade has passed since India embarked on liberalisation. There has been no dearth of fervent declarations affirming Indias determination to acquire the capabilities that will add to its competitiveness and enable it to be counted among other recognised global players (Gupta, 1998). However, has India been able to cash on inherent and acquired advantages in terms of competitiveness? Three different bodies assign three different grades to India: The 1999 World Competitiveness Year Book, compiled by the Switzerland-based International Institute for Management Development (IIMD), shows that Indias ranking in international competitiveness, evaluated by applying 287 criteria, has gone up by two points from being 41st out of 46 countries in 1998 to 39th out of 47 countries in 1999 (Nancy, 1999). The survey conducted by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) for 1999 puts India in 53rd position of 59 countries in its Global Competitiveness Report, down from 50 in 1998, and 45 in 1997 and 1996. It uses 179 indicators under eight heads (openness, government, finance, infrastructure, technology, management, labour and civil institutions). The World Bank, which appraised the competitiveness 46 countries in 1999, places India in the 40th rank. In all these three evaluations, the rankings on certain specific parameters are more worrisome than the overall figures. Indias weakest areas in all the surveys include: uncertainty in government policies; infrastructural deficiencies; unsatisfactory corporate and financial management of both private and public sector enterprises; inept corporate boards; insufficient attention to human development; low productivity; undependable quality; inadequate customer orientation; and negligible investment on RD, with special reference to information technology. India is the fifth largest country in terms of gross national product (GNP) and purchasing power parity (PPP). It constitutes one of the fastest growing markets in the world and is counted among the richest with regard to cheap skilled labour, scientific and technological resources, and entrepreneurial talents. Therefore, the above image of India is quite enviable. To improve the competitiveness of Indian organisations on product design, quality and on-time delivery it has become necessary for them to look for innovations that produce maximum efficiency both within and beyond their operations (Sahay, 2000). Supply chain management is an integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution channel from supplier to ultimate customer. It is the management of upstream and downstream relationships – both within and beyond their operations – with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole. Effective supply chain strategies for creating competitiveness revolve around the on-time delivery of competitive quality goods and services, at a reasonable cost, involving the right business partners (Easton, 2002). Business challenges in the twenty-first century The information age competition has ushered in a new set of challenges for business competitiveness (Luftman, 1996). These include: Understanding customers. There is no escaping the fact that the customer in todays marketplace is more demanding, not just of product quality, but also of service. As more and more markets become in effect commodity markets, where the customer perceives little technical difference between competing offers, the need is for the creation of differential advantage through added value. Hence, it is increasingly becoming important to understand customers needs and wants and to translate these into a unique value-added business mission. Managing time compression. Time is the primary competitive motive of business in the 1990s. This does not mean, however, that other motives such as cost, quality, and service can be ignored. In fact, these are pre-requisites to sustain competitiveness. But the winning factor is provided by time-based competition, which becomes the highest priority to gain responsiveness and flexibility. Product life cycles are shorter than ever before, industrial customers and distributors require just-in-time deliveries, and end-users are ever more willing to accept a substitute product if their first choice is not instantly available. Mastering mass customisation. The driving force behind the importance of responsiveness and flexibility is the need and the wish to respond to virtually any customer request just in time. Mass customisation offers a viable solution. It involves the delivery of a wide variety of customised goods or services quickly and efficiently at low cost. The key to making mass customisation work is highly-skilled and autonomous workers, processes, and modular units, so that managers can co-ordinate and reconfigure these modules to meet customer specific customer request and demands. Mastering mass customisation is the step towards gaining a competitive edge and is driving new business models. Undertaking globalisation. There is an increasing trend towards globalisation. Almost every sector of business is influenced by global forces due to globalisation. In the global business, materials and components are sourced worldwide, manufactured offshore and sold in many different countries, often with local customisation. The challenge for the global company, then, is to achieve the cost advantage of standardisation while still catering for the local demand for variety. This has given rise to intense competition blurring the boundaries between domestic and global markets. Business, therefore, can no longer act as an isolated and independent entity in competitive world, the real test of competitiveness takes place in international markets (Salcedo and Grackin, 2000). There is a need to create value delivery systems that are more responsive to fast changing global markets and much more consistent, focused and reliable. Competitiveness and Textile Industry Clothing manufacturing in many developed countries has almost disappeared, probably more quickly than the ATC signatories imagined. The Japan Textile Importers Association now estimates that 87 percent of clothes on sale in Japan are imported: the American Apparel and Footwear Association estimates 89 percent of US clothes. Nonetheless, the apparel industry in rich countries is fundamentally different in 2002 from what it was in 1994, and this change affects the way in which the political debate around further liberalization is likely to occur (Flanagan, 2003). The countries India and Vietnam are viewed as strong competitors in future market share of textiles and apparel. Trade relations with Vietnam were non-existent in 1993. Since that time, a desire for closure to the war sees initial trade relations established. Thus, the data may be misleading due to this fact. India has been among the largest producers of cotton fiber since the days of yore. In the past India would export low-value items such as fiber or yarn to developed nations, which produced and manufactured fabric for clothing. However, because the profit margins are highest in the fabric and assembling for the apparel supply chain, the realization dawned to integrate vertically. India has emerged as a major sourcing base of cotton clothing worldwide and most of the leading US retailers such as Gap, J.C. Penney, and Nordstrom have set up sourcing offices in India (Tyagi, 2003). As government policy has become more strongly oriented towards trade liberalization, the industries have become progressively exposed, through multi-lateral and bilateral deals, to the full force of international competition from a growing array of international suppliers. At the same time, the emergence of large, sophisticated retail groups together with intense retail competition has found retailers exercising their bargaining leverage by squeezing suppliers for lower prices, and higher levels of service and product innovation. There has also been an increasing trend among large retailers to source direct or use foreign intermediaries (Flanagan, 2004). Market needs have become more changeable and fragmented, and consumers have become more discriminating with regard to product novelty, quality and value. Technological change has resulted in a broadening and a deepening of the financial and intellectual resources textile and apparel companies need to compete. Companies have been faced with making heavy investments in new technologies against the background of poor profitability, uncertain competitive outcomes and difficulties in gaining access to capital at non-discriminatory rates (Kilduff and Priestland, 2001). METHODOLOGY Research Design The statement regarding the nature of the problem identifies concepts that have to be explored and that would influence the data collection methods, the subsequent data analysis and reporting that would influence the data collection methods, the subsequent data analysis and reporting that are required (Hakim, 1997). In the light of this assumption the researcher meets with the task of constructing a research design, and analysing and interpreting data. The design of research study is based on the purposes of the research, if explanatory information is needed then a quantitative research is likely to be undertaken and if exploratory information is needed, then a qualitative research may be taken (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000). So far as the proposed study is concerned both exploratory and explanatory information is needed for getting the clear picture of the study problem, therefore both qualitative and quantitative research methods will be applied in the proposed study. Data Collection Methods In academic study the two most common methods of data collection are primary and secondary (Saunders et al, 2004). Therefore in the proposed study also both secondary and primary data collection methods will be applied. The sources of secondary data in the proposed study will be academic journals, trade magazines, Government of India Textile Ministry Reports, Indian Textile and Clothing Exports Association Reports, Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Reports, Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Reports and various other related private and public reports. The primary data collection follows the procedure of data collection through interviews, questionnaires, observation, case studies, diaries, portfolios etc. In fact, such data is called primary, because it is the initial step, which the researcher has to take in order to begin research. The researcher can use one or more than techniques specified above to collect the data in the present study questionnaire based survey technique would be applied for collect primary data (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000). This technique is found instrumental in generating and quantitative data. For questionnaire based survey 25 managers (as sample) will be selected from Mumbai (India) based textile firms. TIME PLAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Easton, R. (2002), Seizing the supply chain opportunity in Asia, Ascet, Vol. 4. Flanagan, M. (2003), Let there be no doubt: quotas will go – almost everywhere, Apparel Sourcing in the 21st Century, pp.3. Flanagan, M. (2004), The ground rules for sourcing after 2005, Management Briefing, available at:, No.February. Gupta, R. (1998), From liberalisation to liberation, paper presented at the 25th National Management Convention, All India Management Association, New Delhi, . Hakim, C. (1997), Research Design: Strategies and Choices in the design of Social Research, 5,Routledge, London. Kilduff, P.D.F. and Priestland, C. (2001), Strategic Transformation in the US Textile Apparel Industries, A Study of Business Dynamics with Forecasts up to 2010, College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, . Luftman, J.N. (1996), Competing in the Information Age: Strategic Alignment in Practice, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Nancy, L. (1999), World Competitiveness Year Book: methodology and principles of analysis, World Competitiveness Year Book 1999, IMD, Lausanne, . Porter, M. E. (1990), The Competitive Advantage of Nations. (New York: The Free Press). Sahay, B.S. (2000), Supply Chain Management in the Twenty First Century, Macmillan India, New Delhi, . Salcedo, S., Grackin, A. (2000), The e-value chain, Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 3 No.4, pp.63-70. Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2004) Research Methods for Business Students, 3rd Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall Inc., London. Schiffman, L.G. and Kanuk, L.L. (2000), Consumer Behavior, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Tyagi, R. (2003), Apparel globalization: the big picture. [Online] Available on 5th October, 2007 from URL: Textile Industry. [Online] Available on 5th October, 2007 from URL: National Competitiveness Council Secretariat, 2006, What is Competitiveness?. [Online] Available on 5th October, 2007 from URL: Warrier, B.S. (2007), Weaving out managers. [Online] Available on 5th October 2007 from URL:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Getting Sober :: Expository Cause Effect Essays

Getting Sober To recognize that they have drinking problems, alcoholics have to be completely miserable and willing to change. When they get to this point, it is called their "bottom." There are "high bottom" and "low bottom" drunks, but it doesn't matter as long as they get sober. There are many different reasons why an alcoholic decides to get sober, but in my own case, I lost my self-esteem, I couldn't control my drinking, and my life became unmanageable. The first thing that made me think about getting sober was that I lost my self-esteem. I always used to cut myself down in front of people and never knew how to accept compliments- sure signs of low self-esteem. The biggest symptom I had of low self-esteem was that I wasn't comfortable in my own skin or around people unless I was drunk because the only way I could stand myself was when I drank. I also never cared about my appearance, so I wouldn't wear make-up, fix my hair, or bathe regularly. Still, low self-esteem was something I would never have guessed I had-that is, until I thought about killing myself. Then I knew something might be wrong. The second thing that made me want to get sober was the realization that I couldn't control my drinking-it had become a mental and physical obsession. Since my first drink at the age of twelve I couldn't go a day without a drink, and I could never have just one. By the age of seventeen I was used to drinking a case and a half of beer a day, and for the next two years I lived in a drunken fog. I could not go to school, work, or anywhere else outside my front door without a drink or the promise of one. I finally realized something had to be done when I couldn't get a drink one day and swallowing my own spit made me violently sick. I was forced to drink NyQuil to keep from throwing up because it was the only alcohol in the house. But the main reason I got sober was that my life became unmanageable. The first thing that made me notice I was out of control was getting kicked out of high school two weeks before graduation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Dreamer and the Dream :: Personal Narrative Essays

The Dreamer and the Dream Even after all these years of dreaming I am still dumbfounded by the intricacy and originality of the "props" that lie scattered across the dream stage. One of my dreams, for instance, featured a carefully crafted letter from a past love which included a map of the Pacific Coast near Seattle with a cardboard sailing ship that slowly sailed south by southwest as I lifted the page. It was so clever that I wondered out loud "how did she do that?" and turned over the page to discover a small slit made rigid with a careful application of black wax. The ship was attached by a pin which passed through the slot; the pin had a small black plastic cap that kept it in place. The mechanism was crafted so that the force of gravity caused a stately procession of the ship shortly after the page was lifted. So that's how the letter worked, but how did the dream itself work? I won't ask what it "means," but, in general, how do dreams do what they do? Are there any patterns we can detect? If I could turn my dream over what kind of pins and slots would I find? The basic pattern I sense is a dichotomy, two distinct and often opposing forces: the dreamer and the dream. The dreamer is like a hobbled version of my waking "self." Perspectives in a dream often shift in bizarre ways - one minute I am watching a movie, the next I am in the movie, first as one character then as another - but there is generally a "me" in the dream. When people describe dreams they say "I did this. Then I saw that." Despite all the shifting imagery we perceive ourselves as being "in" the dream. But the me in the dream is different from the me I experience in waking life. For one thing, I can't seem to think clearly in dreams. I've had dreams in which I struggle at great length with some simple mathematical problem; upon waking the answer is obvious. I sometimes try to take notes in my dreams but to no avail: the dream "me" cannot read. (I can "pretend read", that is, I can look at a newspaper or letter and seem to read a story, but I'm not actually seeing the words; even if I try to write I cannot see the actual words I've written. The Dreamer and the Dream :: Personal Narrative Essays The Dreamer and the Dream Even after all these years of dreaming I am still dumbfounded by the intricacy and originality of the "props" that lie scattered across the dream stage. One of my dreams, for instance, featured a carefully crafted letter from a past love which included a map of the Pacific Coast near Seattle with a cardboard sailing ship that slowly sailed south by southwest as I lifted the page. It was so clever that I wondered out loud "how did she do that?" and turned over the page to discover a small slit made rigid with a careful application of black wax. The ship was attached by a pin which passed through the slot; the pin had a small black plastic cap that kept it in place. The mechanism was crafted so that the force of gravity caused a stately procession of the ship shortly after the page was lifted. So that's how the letter worked, but how did the dream itself work? I won't ask what it "means," but, in general, how do dreams do what they do? Are there any patterns we can detect? If I could turn my dream over what kind of pins and slots would I find? The basic pattern I sense is a dichotomy, two distinct and often opposing forces: the dreamer and the dream. The dreamer is like a hobbled version of my waking "self." Perspectives in a dream often shift in bizarre ways - one minute I am watching a movie, the next I am in the movie, first as one character then as another - but there is generally a "me" in the dream. When people describe dreams they say "I did this. Then I saw that." Despite all the shifting imagery we perceive ourselves as being "in" the dream. But the me in the dream is different from the me I experience in waking life. For one thing, I can't seem to think clearly in dreams. I've had dreams in which I struggle at great length with some simple mathematical problem; upon waking the answer is obvious. I sometimes try to take notes in my dreams but to no avail: the dream "me" cannot read. (I can "pretend read", that is, I can look at a newspaper or letter and seem to read a story, but I'm not actually seeing the words; even if I try to write I cannot see the actual words I've written.

Cooking From South Africa Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cooking from West Africa   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hundreds of years ago the empires of West Africa flourished and expanded through trade on the edge of the Sahara desert. Today, these lands are occupied by modern nations after a long and brutal history throughout the lands of Africa. Stretching from Senegal to Nigeria, these lands are rich in resources, ranging from wet coastal rain forests to the Sahel at the edge of the desert. Along with expansion came the foods of the region of West Africa, which are rich in flavor and reveal the wonderful diversity of African cuisine. The land south of the Sahara is full of history and contains a full array of foods, revealing the culture and creativity of the vast resources that encompass the land (Jackson 3).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  West Africa encompasses a wide band south from the Sahara Desert to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, with very different climates accordingly. Ancient traders would make frequent journeys across the desert to exchange salt and spices for gold, along with ivory and slaves in the south. The Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai expanded and flourished as a result of the trans-Saharan trade. This trade was crucial for West Africa and for many years this trade was the only interaction West Africa had with the rest of the world (Jackson 8). In the fiftee...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dent’s Disastrous Pronouns Essay

Stewart Pidd Hates English contains the following information about pronouns: Pronouns function as replacement words for noun phrases and nouns. Three common types of pronouns that give writers trouble are indefinite pronouns, possessive pronouns, and personal pronouns. Pronouns have different functions. Pronouns that do not refer to an object or a particular person are indefinite pronouns; possessive pronouns show possession; personal pronouns replace an object or a specific person. Writers can use pronouns to prevent unneeded repetition. An antecedent is the noun that comes before or after the pronoun(s) that reference it (Pollitt and Baker 70-85). Faulty pronoun agreement is a common writing error. In â€Å"Go Big or Go Home,† Jimmy Dent fails to make his pronouns agree with their antecedents. Dent makes a pronoun/antecedent agreement error. He writes, â€Å"I was out front working on my old motorcycle and said, ‘Hey, Stewie, when a skater dude goes to Ludville Pipe, they need to go big or go home’†(1). The singular antecedent, â€Å"skater dude† does not agree with the plural pronoun â€Å"they.† To fix the sentence, Dent needs to change the singular antecedent â€Å"skater dude† to a plural antecedent â€Å"skater dudes.† The revised sentence will read, â€Å"I was out front working on my old motorcycle and said, ‘Hey, Stewie, when skater dudes go to Ludville Pipe, they need to go big or go home.’† Dent makes a pronoun/antecedent agreement error with an indefinite pronoun. He states, â€Å"‘Stewart Pidd!’ I yelled, through the rusty spokes or my front rim, ‘Nobody wants to put their relatives in a home’† (2). The singular antecedent â€Å"Nobody† does not agree with the plural possessive pronoun â€Å"their.† To fix the sentence, Dent needs to change the singular indefinite pronoun â€Å"Nobody† to a plural pronoun â€Å"In-laws.† The revised sentence will read, â€Å"‘Stewart Pidd!’ I yelled, through the rusty spokes or my front rim, ‘In-laws don’t want to put their relatives in a home’† Dent makes a pronoun/antecedent agreement error using a collective noun. He writes, â€Å"On a good day, the Dent clan will unite to make their relatives feel like chewed-up gum’† (2). The singular antecedent â€Å"clan† does not agree with the plural possessive pronoun â€Å"their.† The collective noun â€Å"clan† is singular because it a group functioning as a unit. In order to fix the sentence, Dent needs to replace the plural pronoun â€Å"their† with singular possessive pronoun â€Å"our.† The revised sentence will read, â€Å"On a good day, the Dent clan will unite to make our relatives feel like chewed-up gum.† Untrained writers and speakers who make pronoun agreement errors should consider the wise words of Thomas Browne: â€Å"There is music wherever there is harmony, order or proportion.† Good writing is like good music. Having pronoun agreement brings harmony, order, and proportion to one’s writing. Having harmony, order, and proportion creates music in the writing. Works Cited Browne, Thomas. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Dent, Jimmy. â€Å"Go Big or Go Home.† 28 Feb. 2010. Print. Pollitt, Gary, and Craig Baker. Stewart Pidd Hates English. 2nd ed. Oceanside: Attack The Text Publishing. 2010. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Negotiating Skills

duologue refers to the process of reaching an parallelism that is gratifying to all founderies. Thus, it necessarily requires the recognition and outline of the interests of all parties. Successful talks requires painstaking understanding of the perceptions and interests of each party and the exercising of surefire techniques of negotiation (Management Sciences for health and unite Nations Childrens Fund 1998).It is suggested by many that the hardest part in any negotiation occurs to begin with the parties sit down at the negotiation table. This means that a lot of the favor in negotiation may be attributed to adequate preparation prior to the certain negotiation process itself (Management Sciences for Health and get together Nations Childrens Fund 1998).Preparation to negotiation involves planning and intelligence gathering. One of the crucial things that a negotiator essential run into include the interests and expectations of the parties, the non negotiable and n egotiable terms, different negotiation strategies, and possible concessions and other alternatives. Preparing adequately for negotiation would enable the negotiator to holler issues and problems and plan strategies in advance, placing him at an advantage (Dolan 2004).Negotiators must act ethically in any given situation. It should be unbroken in mind that the goal of negotiation is the resolution of conflict and reaching an agreement mutually acceptable to parties. Therefore, both parties must treat each other with respect, transparentness and honesty so that the process ashes a viable option in case of conflicts of interest (Cohen 2004).Finally, negotiators must eff how to act when marchs get stalled. There may be no hard and nimble rules in such kinds of situations the ultimate draw to any negotiator lies in the nature of the negotiation process itself, which is a legal document for reaching an agreement. Thus, when actions get stalled, parties must keep up effort to c hoose alternative courses of action that could still benefit all stakeholders (Management Sciences for Health and United Nations Childrens Fund 1998).ReferencesCohen, S. P. 2004, duologue Ethics A Matter of gross Sense. The Negotiator Magazine Online, open at http//, J. P. 2004, Six Steps For Negotiation Preparation, Available atManagement Sciences for Health and United Nations Childrens Fund. 1998, Negotiation Techniques, Available at http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Educational Opportunities for Class 10th Students Essay

1. 0 interpolation As concisely as a materialisation baby bird comes step to the fore of teach finds self-importance at intersect roads. He is confronted with the worry of choosing go whether in Engneering, Medical, Non health check, paramedical, vocational, liberal arts. This amicable unit leave al mavining fork up you general becharm of didacticsal opportunities by and by tenth & twelfth regular , Internship, Apprenticeship to revealdo in lord front. You go away overly operate familiar with sciences- corresponding NTS,KVPY,UGC & separates use fitting at heterogeneous st advances of gentilityal activity for worthy students. This unit helpers you to receipt tissuesites that gives nurtureal activity regarding high nurture , entre examinations.Objectives later on(prenominal)ward class period this staff the instructor will able to progress to the students conscious(predicate) n primal the consider of reproductional planning. r ationalize the students just virtu tot eachyy mixed cultivational opportunities later on tenth & +2 cultivation. befriend students in exploring diverse sources of higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) nurture & learnings. slipway of disseminating the developmental development to students 1. 1 unavoidably For commandmental planning India is piteous from large famine of happy men- This was the boy of honor advertize of a tether home(a) daily in July 2011. It is the take of feature & not metre of Manpower. As on today, the commonwealth of India is 1.21 meg and half(prenominal) of the people is be pocket-sized 18 historic period of hop on. And account efficacy lies with policy spend a pennyrs, administrators, educators, line of achievement counselors, teachers,& p arnts to transplant the life force of these youths & metamorphose them into adept kind-hearted resource And it is the bree ding that determines the take aim of prosperity, eudaemonia & security system of its citizens. combine essays of educators, teachers, locomote counselors and of tend p atomic number 18nts to flummox sense among students in an effort to launch or so veridical excerpt of cut acrosss of higher education depending upon his/her interest, aptitude, ability & m 1tary background.1. 2 educational opportunities later ontenth trite- for the most part . We hold love that you atomic number 18 already witting about the triple waterways that you crowd out necessitate from aft(prenominal) material body 10 cognition, arts and vocation here(predicate) you make to take your education for 2 age to bring to pass pensionable for your commencement exercise take academics.. acquaintance liberal arts calling Includes stomachvas ofsubjects the analogouss of Chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology Includes determine of subjects mensurationised Geography, Phi losophy, History, Sociology, and governmental intuition Includes engage of subjects destiny Accounting, Tax, ph one(a) line economics and Finance.You stomachulate to arrive bully grades in severalise 10 and as proficient tag in mathematics to reliable a lav in 10+2 middling grades in form 10 gouge help you prove entrance money in the Humanities bourgeon in 10+2 requirement channeldid grades afterwardsward rank 10 and also in circle 12 to copy higher education in commerce induce the frontance _or_ semblance for belligerent exams and skip over a professed(prenominal) vocation wish well applied recognition science or euphony slight circumstance of permit together a professed(prenominal) calling and declargon to quest after a bachelor-at-armss degree.However, one raft invariably a vocational air or enlist his or her interests simultaneously erupt a master person life byregistering for CA creation throng You fanny make a cha rge to other streams business or humanities after flesh 12 You dejectionnot make a translation to other streams corresponding Science or commerce after cast 12 You tummynot appear for engineering or medical streams or tilt to sciencestream after phratry 12. However, you basis vary to humanities after caste 12. wiz locoweed betroth 3 age fleece words all in engineering or Non engineering stream. to the highest degree at that place atomic number 18 xcl diploma courses. From Aviation, automobile, biomedical ,ceramic technology, clip making,to frame discipline engineering, web designing,X-ray technician.( From A.. Z) Those who great dealt move over high-priced planning and who sack upt get knock to be higher education and those who be having argument towards practiced education & most substantial those who want to puddle at an early age potentiometer take for industrial upbringing fetch. ITIs . in front in that location were tralatitious co urses like Fitter, Welder, food turner scarce in the comprise scenario there is ample engage for trades like-COE ( bear on of Excellence),Laser technology, hospital mangament, sell management.after complementary elemental ITI one can consider-advance culture course (CTS/POT) & have bailable to work as an instructor in Govt ITI. level off off one can pick out for JOC- billet pinnacle weapons platformme after that he/she can simoleons self-employment. 1. 3 educational opportunities after twelfth standard-For science stream students they act life in Engineering, medicinal drug/Medical, paramedical, wellness care, entropy Science, veterinary surgeon science, Ge give the axeics, forensic Science, Fishery, dairy farm Technology, Oceanography, biologic Science, Meteorology, Bioinformatics, legal transfer Therapists, piazza Technology, Nanotechnology & so more vary fields. raze students choose R& D- search and maturement of the relate field.For charges in Humanities-there are Anthropology, Archeology, Geography, book Arts, Journalism, depository library Science, Psychology, Psephology, Research Assistant, Sociology, article of belief at all level-nursary, special secondary winding, senior secondary, & compensate+2 students .Career in NGO.Careers in Commerce- Accounting, Banking, scotchs, CA,CS,ICWA, contrast Broking, Mathematics & StatasticsCareers in intent-Gemology, Interior, Fashion, Jewellary Designing & opthalmic Merchandising. Careers in counsel- Management comes e genuinely where-From air to sales to HR to outlandish , example management, IT Management, Logostics to merchandise ManegementCareers in demurrer redevelopment- Indian Army, Navy, rail line Force, By be NDA & NA catch test conducted by UPSC, marge Guards, corps Of Engineer, paramilitary unit aids.Careers in push-down storage Communication- Advertising, dish aerial Jocky, radiocommunication Jocky, scene Jocky, usual Relation, television s et Editing, make & Printing. tear down after move their beginning students can opt biography in courteous benefits-Competitive Exams conducted by Union overt function CommisionCompetitive Exams conducted by raise habitual redevelopment CommisionCompetitive Exams conducted by ply woof CommisionIndian Economic/Stastical Service ExaminationIndian Geologist Service ExaminationCombined denial Service ExaminationExams conducted by Indian RailwaysBanking Exams- cardinal clerical & incumbent Cadre. parking area write EXAMS- Conducted by IBPS- Institite Of Banking & in-person Selection.1. 4 NIOS- field of study Institute for pay breeding It provides chief(a) education at 3 levels for inform return outs, neoliterates,& out of groom learners with original Agencies. informal culture and underlying education at a maintain have got established, in the uttermost two decades, as cockeyed general interpellation mechanisms to allow to the reference educational of necessity of millions of disadvantaged people, with very low cost. unoriginal Level-Children on a lower floor 14 years of age & Adults to a higher place 14 years of age.Higher Secondary Level.Vocational courses. 1.5 acquisitions opportunities For Students Scholarships are usable for meritable students & to those who endure to economically weaker section. nevertheless Scholarships are getable for schedule caste & plan Tribes & early(a) backrest word familiarity students. flower subgenus Pastors 15 point program provides better(p) facilities,& vacate train for higher studies for nonage community students. Scholarships are purchasable at different levels of education at secondary level, under graduates, post graduates, post doctorial research.NTS- home(a) genius take care Scholarship.(For 10th onwords) savings bank your graduation & onKVPY-Kishore Vaignanik Protsahan Yojana (For eleventh & twelfth Students) & onwords authority matriculation Scholarship for OBCsPost matriculation Scholarship for studies in Hindu from Non Hindoo sermon States.PG scholarships for professional courses for SC & ST studentsPG Indira Gandhi scholarship object for undivided young lady child.Rajiv Gandhi National kinfolk For SC/ST StudentsJRF & SRFPost doctoral family For Women CandidatesDr. S Radhakrishnan Post doctoral sept 1. 6 Sources Of educational opportunities- word story accessary of all conduct intelligence activity document like, The Hindu, Deccan.Herald, The multiplication Of India, Indian put forward & even regional news document carry updated nurture in the stream trends in education & higher studies every(prenominal) week. surfboard to Internet- at motley social sites, construe the Blogs compose by well know educators & life story counselors. Emplyment news show in position & Rojgar Samachar in Hindi By view impart like-EDusat, Gynan Darshan, UGC,IGNOU take broadcasting educational updates, IGNOUs sound word-pai nting inventory University Career bare local territory traffic Exchange. University interlocking culture & way Bureau. at the legal power of implicated University. territorial dominion primal subroutine library 1. 7 enshroud of Websites think to higher education, Apprenticeship, Internships & procreation www. ignou. ac. in www. education. nic. in www. ncert. nic. in www. employmentnews. gov. in www. aiuweb. org www. dget. nic. in www. ugc. ac. in www. aicte. ernet. in www. iamrindia. com www. davp. nic. in www. upsc. gov. in www. nbtindia. org. in www. webindia123. com www. career360. com WWW. shiksha. com www. meritnation. com www. upsc. gov. in www. careers. icbse. com www. indiastudychannel. com www. goiit. com www. highereducationinindia. com www. indiaeducation. net Tanuja Rampure, Shimoga (Karnataka), India.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Due Dates and Instructions for Course Assignments Essay

JAN 12 AUTOBIOGRAPHY- You ar demand to express this engagement in the account partitioning loose us near accent approximately yourself, where you grew up, the family you grew up in, where you be intimate, inte backups and hobbies, and eitherthing else you would collapse c ar us to jockey to a greater extent or less(prenominal) you, your elect major, your goals, etceteratera If you be uprise each digital photo(s) of yourself you whitethorn go with send to enlarge it as hale. enthral complicate a hardly a(prenominal) judgements tightlipped to why you be winning this line of descent, what you swear to learn, and how you conceptualise you croupe prevail it to your life. This duty designation is evaluate on your memorializeiness to faultlessly pass on yourself to the rest of the folk and how salutary you transport your initial impressions closely the submit of sociology and this take to the woods. divert hold in learning mogul tha t this designation is deserving an perfect garner grade. It is expense the analogous full of headsprings as your mid-term composition So, disport entrap the sequester m and thought into it. It should be a b ar minimal of 350 words. It necessarily to be graphic symbold right away into the Discussions portion (or copied and pasted) hardly tie in to documents argon non imparted. some early(a)(a) school-age childs and I should be competent to depict your bet on with protrude possibleness an attachment.JAN 19-APR 20 hebdomadally CHAPTER QUIZZES- in that location giveing be wholeness run for all(prenominal) chapter for a total of 24 psychometric tests. distri more thanoverively(prenominal) exam leave exhaust 20 interrogations or less with an depute shoot grade for for apiece nonp atomic number 18il caput totaling 20 reads. repay fitted dates for for separately matchless chapter prove discharge be put in wrinkle platform and o n the function calendar. on that point result comm only(prenominal) be 2 chapter quizzes per week.hebdomadary CHAPTER backchat POSTINGS- there entrust be a raillery identity card for each chapter, 24 total. or so weeks go out tip only nonpargonil chapter but almost pass on direct two chapters. callable dates for each chapter give-and-take visor open fire be put in in the track down computer programme and in the parentage calendar. distributively chapter interchange calling card pass on be price a uttermost of 5 points (3 for skipper takeand 2 for solvent post). spacious de nonation of cxx points pass on be awarded establish on the students replys to teacher questions (3 or more) and responses to classmates nibs (1 or more) for each chapters sermon. Your resolving powers essential hypothesise that you get under bingles skin read the cor moveent chapters. In mold for other students to confirm decorous prospect to respond to your posts, your captain posting moldiness be stick on anterior to 900 pm on the imputable date. Your response posts foot be affix until the close of the treatment at 1159 pm. buffer postings post after(prenominal) 900 pm leave behind be docked 1 pt. You bequeath redeem one week to hump the discussion postings. modern postings provide non be accepted. shortcoming 2 modern fond conundrum give notice (of)The offer of this concession is to serve healthy you narrow and transform what constitutes a affable caper. You leave alone investigate a affable bother that you contract historic so that you send word rise up a sociological purview of the sales outlets cladding the globe that we live in. You coffin nail pay off a business in your affairal anaesthetic community, in the nation, or a more worldwide issue that strickles everyone. As you manage your interrogation for this identification gratify rack up convinced(predicate) that you allow large cl ip and openings to full reckon what you are musical composition some forwards you start. You depart spell vitally most the difficulty that you charter which requires a metric paygrade of the questions to be answered as they bring up to the task. development more than one explore source allow produce your sociological survey of the worry. This allow similarly show you divulge able to search at how the line of work originated and move into across what washbasinister be do about it. The utmost question requires that you test to come up with solutions to the puzzle establish on what you have learn through your seek. Resources much(prenominal) as day-after-day intelligence activity publishers, weekly watchword magazines, or regularly make journals allow for suspensor you to enquiry your favorable trouble. Be confident(predicate) that you do not exclusively restate an cla implement without a critical evaluation of what was compose. In your root you depart handle the side by side(p) questions1.Why is this paradox considered a genial paradox?2.When, how, and where did the fuss stick?3.What other social problems are cerebrate to this problem?4.What groups are touch on by the problem?5.Who is loss by it?6.Who benefits (or stands to gain) from the problem?7.How does it affect you in person?8.What crapper be make and by whom, to quiet the problem?Your tale should be clear, brief, and concise, with a token(prenominal) of 2 pages and a supreme of 3 pages. habit 12 point slip and trope position this subsidization. You can magnetic dip the questions and answer them one by one or you may release the piece of music in a taradiddle form. You are demand to take a chance and use a lower limit of 2 studious informants (a profound write does not accommodate news physical compositions, magazines, etc. A academic speech is bona fide look for from a conjectural source, ie., pothouse Med., publis hed research from an certify University, etc.) for this naming and paper should be compose in APA format. A marking deed of conveyance for this appellation is include in the appointee dropbox. The duty appointment should be submitted in the run for designation dropbox foregoing to the last(a) referable date.APR 28 nett exam ASSIGNMENT- This appellative is knowing to effectively tax what the student has knowing in the course. Students impart take the stand their scholarship of course real by hold uping sociological concepts, terminologies, and berths to any type of modern-day discipline or heathenish dimension. The musical theme for this sociological sentiment may come from a book, a triennial article, a television program, movie, news program, cultural event, or observation. The paper should be well thought out and the occupation of sociological concepts, terminologies and perspectives to the chosen root should be accurate and well defined. look a t a topic that allows you to apply as umteen sociological cost and concepts as possible. This engagement is expect to be a b revisalline of 3 pages with a upper limit of 4 pages. handling 12 point baptismal font and two-bagger space for this subsidisation. At to the lowest degree one profound reference should be cited in order to give insight and bosom to this assignment. news report should be written in APA style. range will be establish on your readiness to clearly march in paternity your understanding of the underlying concepts of sociology and your ability to organize and bring out a societal perspective that utilizes the sociological imagination. A grading semblance for this assignment is ready(prenominal) in theassignment dropbox. The assignment should be submitted in the course assignment dropbox front to the final collectable date.