Thursday, September 19, 2019

Web-Based Training Essay -- Internet Technology Computers Papers

Web-Based Training "Live, interactive training over the Internet is one of the hottest trends in corporate training" (Black, 1998, p.1). This type of training is a step away from the interactive distance learning that is "a two-way interactive full-motion video network that allows participants to see and hear each other from remote locations at real-time speeds" (Comeaux, 1995, p.1). This type of interactive distance learning has been criticized for its technical difficulties and interruptions as a result and its lack of interactivity for several reasons such as the instructor’s limited knowledge of how to utilize the technology for maximum results and the two second wait time before each response that tends to make students feel that their answers must be well-thought out which in turn decreases spontaneity in the learning environment (Comeaux, 1995, p. 3-5). Even so, the Ford Motor Company has had great results with their interactive distance learning network called Fordstar. Each of "Fordâ₠¬â„¢s headquarters trainers and their instruction videos are broadcast through network satellites to 6,000 dealerships in North America. The dealerships are equipped with computers, video monitors, and keypads" (Cohen, 1996, p. 1). Behind their distance learning network is the philosophy that "the key to adult learning is interactivity" and with a keypad, trainees can participate or interact at the rate of every five minutes (Cohen, 1996, p.1). But again, despite some companies successes with interactive distance learning involving video and interactivity of some type such as the keypad, the new trend in interactive distance learning is Web-based training or learning, which is "instruction delivered via a Web browser through the Internet or... ...d training yields maximum returns. Workforce(78)2, 3 pages. Available on Galileo under Periodical Abstracts. Harmon, Stephen W. and Hurmi, Atsuri. (1996, May). A systemic approach to the integration of interactive distance learning into education and training. Journal of Education for Business(71)5, p. 267-271. Available on Galileo under Periodical Abstracts. Hawkins, Donald T. (1998, January). Revisiting web-based training: a correction and an update. Online(22)1, p.55-56. Available on Galileo under Periodical Abstracts. Kursh, Steven. (1998, March). Going the distance with web-based training. Training & Development(52)3, p. 50-53. Available on Galileo under Periodical Abstracts. Uiterwijk, Julie, & Seoane, D., & Mitchell, L., & Welch, J. (1998, November). The virtual classroom. InfoWorld(20)47, 7 pages. Available on Galileo under Periodical Abstracts.

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